Registration Questions

Please reach out to us with questions or concerns.

CI Woodworkers of America offers classes online and in person. Watch for our videos and classes online or sign up today for the in- person classes available. Woodworking classes are for purchase.

OSHA is online and open to all Adult Americans. OSHA classes are for purchase. OSHA registration code and link are provided upon payment and your class begins within 48 hours. You will have 12 months to complete your course. You will be directed to the OSHA classes through the accredited college we provide for OSHA classes. All certificates are provided by OSHA. Not all classes provide certificates but they do provide proof of you taking the class once you have completed the class.

American Red Cross is available at You can find a location and a date of the class you are wanting to take. You can sign up for their classes directly from their site.


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